GI Joe: ARAH Comic Discussion (Current book Spoilers!)

Whose been keeping up with the new issues by IDW? At this point the Snake Hunt story has just started. Some comments below based on the first part of last month’s issue.

So this whole Snake Hunt series kinda feels like a reaction to all the fan reactions to Sean, Dawn, and the whole mess that is the legacy of Snakes Eyes at this point. Lot of the dialogue in the first part even felt like it was kind of repeating talking points folks have had.

Also, not exactly thrilled that the whole Revanche story is still going on, its been dragged on wwaaaayyy to long.

So what is gonna happen here? As they even bring up how it’s confusing having two characters walking around who are sort of Snake Eyes… but they aren’t. Makes me think they want to finally try and sort this all out.

What I think is gonna happen, which is just a guess but could end up happening: I can imagine they might have Sean sacrificed at least mentally. We see they have the memories of Snake Eyes who was in control of Dawn at one point, and the brain wave scanner can do silly magic like that… so are they gonna use the brainwave scanner to perhaps bring back the original Snake Eyes? I can see them try to use Sean for that, he’s been written as a background character almost at this point since Dawn showed up, so to me he’s sacrificial. Dawn is to popular of a new character to get rid of, and I don’t see them bringing back Snake Eyes to then get stuck with 3 of them.

Personally they should have left SE dead, Sean should have just became Kamakura again and let Dawn sort of take on the mantle story wise but as a new character. People hate when characters die but I was happy to see SE go personally, the story gets to focused on ninja stuff already.

I still think they left it wide open for the real SE (and Serpentor, for that matter) to have survived and return somehow. Which I think may still happen depending on fan reaction to the current story…but who knows. I’m enjoying it. I agree, Kamakura was a good character and would actually work well as a buddy to Dawn instead of them being basically the same character. And why even kill off SE only to bring in multiple replacements? And how the heck is the Oktober Guard still alive after most of them perished in Special Missions? (Maybe we should resurrect the no-prize to explain lol) But that’s another story lol. As mentioned, I also look forward to the end of Revanche and am happy to see the Dreadnocks finally make an appearance.

Well Hama has made mistakes before, he resurrected a previously dead Joe which he admits was by accident as he had just forgotten. Is he even gonna try to explain the dead Oktober guard? I like there being some permanent deaths, GI Joe has brought back many characters from the dead but hope this isn’t just a long winded resurrection story somehow.

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Issue #267 is out today, spoilers:
Good 2nd issue for the Snake Hunt story. This was pretty much pure action book, lot of characters and cobra trooper types involved, so this was a fun one. It’s straightforward but well done and the art in this series has been great so far. Love seeing HEAT and Frag Vipers getting some love and even Cobra winning a battle.