Greetings from Lake Mary, FL

Hey, I’m working on a Cobra trooper costume. Should get my helmet from Len at VPS sometime mid January. I have pretty much everything else. I’m an active 501st member for the past 10 years, and also a Rebel Legion member. Looking forward to joining Task Force 27 and The Finest! COBRAAAAA!


Right on, man. Looking forward to having another central Florida member.

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Awesome to hear, know you will do a good job, have seen lot of your outfits you’ve done with the legion so I’m sure this will knock it out of the park. Hopefully as things calm down we will be out at events more and we can all see each other again, been a few years since we’ve seen ya and with no more Star Wars weekends we don’t see the northern legion brothers anymore much.

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your kit!

Another fellow 501st-er

Happy to hear, welcome to the forum!

How did you learn about the Finest?

Welcome. Glad to see another Florida member.