Keel Haul V2 WIP

I have an odd reason for wanting to do the V.2 Keel Haul, and the most daunting part for me has to be Ghost Strikers image on the back, so that is what I am doing first. Keep in mind this is all stenciling and painting by hand, and it sucks. Never did this before. It’s all paint pens and acrylic.


Kudos for diving in the deep end on this!

Apart from the KH V2 figure, do you have any other references for the jacket artwork?

From my former A2 jacket interests, the artwork was good, but not as pristine as the replicas and movies made them out to be.

So hand painted would be within the realm of plausible. Nylon jackets would most likely embroidered but that’s a whole other rabbit-hole to follow down!

I used these. The top is from a t-shirt you can get off of Tee-Public, which I did buy, and is what I used as the template. The action figure obviously has a big hole in the middle of the logo making it problematic.

Yes, embroidery would be awesome, but cost prohibitive. I do have a strange sense of accomplishment doing this by hand, however.


That looks fantastic! PatchCzar hooked me up with some Ghoststriker patches for my flight jacket.


NICE!!! I am going to have to hit him up for a couple!

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I will give it a 90% complete and that is being generous because it looks great in pics but a little lacking in person.

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Looking great! A lot of work went into that jacket. Be proud!

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I got to goofing off and made a comparison meme. The jacket needs some touching up on the back and I need to get a brown leather belt and holster. Part of me is tempted to get a coyote tan web belt and drop leg holster but… ya know… I just don’t think it would bring the intent of the design.

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The leather belt and holster do look similar to the ones from the Gen. Hawk & Flint molds.

Not sure of availability of such items - lots of reproduction leather bandoliers etc coming out of India/Pakistan via various ebay vendors

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Looking great there!

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