New Recruit reporting for Duty from PA

Hello there , My name is Shawn and I am from PA (usa) I am looking to Build a Crimson Guard. I am a Avid 3d printer and have some experience in building Costumes in the past, Also working on a Fallout NCR . Currently I am looking for Assistance with the Uniform / Soft Goods like patches and shoulder Boards and Buttons/ Pins. Any help would be Great . Thanks

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Hello. I am Raynstroyk Czar aka Patch Czar aka Mikey. I am the current Member Liaison Officer of the Finest and will help the best I can. I do make the patches for the CG and also the shoulder boards (as patches). If you are on Facebook, you can check out my page.

I am also on IG.

Also, we have a Finest Recruitment Center page on Facebook. Members of the Fineat can give you advice and there are some links to makers.

My website catalog link is here for pricing and info.

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