We’ve been building up the Finest quite well adding new members on a regular basis and just added two new garrisons recently too even! Things have been going well. And with the new movie next year theres gonna be another big push in GI Joe media
The shirt and pant garments have been updated here to reflect a change in coloration. For best results as of April of 2021 I recommend the same manufacturer Tacvasen and purchasing from their eBay store:
TACVASEN Official Store | eBay Stores
The shirt
Color is listed as “Gray”
The pants:
Color is listed as “dark gray” (this will match the shirt link listed above despite different naming methods)
Pay attention to sizing. They are listed in both European/US as well as Chinese sizes so it can get confusing
Lastly, the elbows and knees need to be black to best match the figure coloration.
I recommend to order the pads separately because I believe the shirt/pant seller chooses the pads for you and you may end up with a lighter grey color on those.
Here’s the “gray” parts together with the black pads in daylight. The pants have one wash on them and the shirt is right out of the package.
Wow! This looks great! Always loved this line and this figure!
We picked up some test shots of the new BDUs over the weekend. Sean has the grey knee pads here that will be swapped out for black when they arrive.
Where do you get the red lens for the msa Millennium gas mask from?
The lens is a standard lens that was painted with VHT Nite-shades translucent red lens paint. You can find this at your local automotive parts stores.
Nice, how many layers should I spray paint on my lens?
I think I did 1 light base coat and two medium coats. Keep in mind that if you get runs or drips in your paint it’s going to look bad. I did wet sand mine out to get it to clear surface so that will effect the color depth as well.
One piece of advice: I did first try to paint the inside of the lens so it would be protected from scratches and couldn’t get the paint to flow out. The paint really wants to level out when wet but that resulted in pooling at the center of the lens. I had to remove the paint and start over on the outside of the lens.