Hoping to get into this group when the funds will allow. Whomever runs the 5th’s facebook page suggested I put my recipe here to see if others had input.
(Here there’d be screenshots of my recipe if I wasnt a new member)
The results of quick Amazon searches. With more time, some better pieces could be found. I’m aiming for a v1a look.
Light Blue Ribbed Turtleneck
Rothco “Ranger Vest” in OD
Black H Harness, BDU belt, and drop leg holster
Khaki BDU trousers
black jump boots
Rubber bayonet and sheath
Jumbo musette bag in OD
OD blanket
Tan Beret
If you’re on Facebook, you should check out the Finest Recruitment Center. We have several members who made this costume, so maybe you can also get input there. I also make patches and this unit patch is one of the many I’ve done. I got the original artwork from Ron Rudat and made this.
I have already found better/more appropriate versions of some of the gear. Gloves I like more, knee pads the right color. For now I’m abandoning the rucksack.
I also have a modern knife/bayonet in that wish list, but I’d love to find a casting of an M3 Fighting knife.
The belt in that list should have been black, and the beret tan.
It’s a fairly prominent detail. If you didn’t have it, it would definitely be a comment. If everything else was perfect you might be fine, but it’s hard to say without seeing everything together.
If you don’t like the metallic look, maybe consider a flat light gray? It might work if the other silver bits match it too.