Hey Guys,
I just finished my costume and sent it in for approval.
I decided to base my costume off the Steel brigade V1a figure since that was they used for the forms and ads up until the 90s
I knew that most of the figure/character was based off of the Airborne figure which made me wonder just how many parts were based off of actual cold war military pieces.
I found that the vest hes wearing is a flak vest.
I found a much Cheaper IDF frak vest off of ebay which is very very light and comfortable
I sourced the sweater from walmart.com
The pants I got on amazon. I tried my best to get pants with elastic cuffs on the bottom to match the look and found joggers were my best option.
The boots are simple cold war ear paratooper boots
The beautiful patch came from Patch Czar
Gerald Weiss sold the helmet to me for a song as far as Im concerned. All I had to do was some simple adjustments such as adding leather belt rivets I got off of amazon.
One of the hardest parts was finding a fake life size knife with a silver blade. I found that @ Karatemart.com
Here’s the finished product
Looking forward to approval
Feel free to ask questions. I had a lot of fun sourcing the parts